


This information is arranged by year 和 includes MSM historical 和 other highlights of New York City’s music history.


The Concert 和 Placement Bureau (placement office) opens in May “to secure engagements for our gifted students so that they may have the encouragement 和 discipline of frequent appearances.”



Appearing in recital at the School are Harold Bauer (pictured at the piano); Rudolf Serkin; the two-piano duo of Rudolph Gruen (pictured, middle) 和 Frances Hall; 和 one of the School’s first graduates, 多拉·扎斯拉夫斯基(图为站立).

Alumnus Le和er Dell’Anno joins the faculty, w在这里 he teaches piano 和 theory until 1975. In 1960 he became coordinator of the piano minor department 和 also acted as student advisor in the 1970s.


  • 贝拉Bartók从匈牙利搬到纽约.
  • 维吉尔·汤姆森成为了一名音乐评论家 纽约先驱论坛报.
  • 越来越高, 理查德·罗杰斯作曲, 洛伦兹·哈特作词, opens with Jack Haley 和 Marta Eggerth at the Shubert Theater (84 performances).
  • Texaco begins sponsorship of the Metropolitan Opera’s Saturday afternoon broadcasts, 和埃齐奥·平扎和莉西亚·阿尔巴内塞在莫扎特的房间里 《newbb电子》.
  • Abbey Simon (to later join the piano faculty) receives the Walter W. 诺姆堡基金会奖.



研究生院成立. Courses are offered in conducting by 雨果Kortschak (pictured above); in ensemble by Harris Danziger, 多拉Zaslavsky, 奥利弗·埃德尔的作品, 朱利叶斯·谢, 和 Rachmael Weinstock of the Roth Quartet; in scoring, 安排, 赋格曲, 和 composition by Vittorio Giannini; 和 advanced dictation, 耳训练, 分析, 阅读分数, 和键盘和声. 霍华德·墨菲(下图).



Cover 和 title page from a December 5th performance of Mozart’s 唐乔凡尼 大都会歌剧院的赞助,这让学校受益匪浅. 指挥:布鲁诺·沃尔特, 演员阵容包括埃齐奥·平扎(《newbb电子平台》), 罗斯·班普顿(唐娜·安娜), 和Bidu Sayao (Zerlina).


  • 黑暗中的女人, Kurt Weill作曲, 歌词由艾拉·格什温创作, opens with Gertrude Lawrence 和 New York-born Danny Kaye at the Alvin Theater (162 performances).
  • 比利·斯特雷霍恩作曲《newbb电子平台》.”



Conductor Leopold Stokowski attends a Manhattan School of Music orchestral concert. A communiqué from Janet Schenck to the members of the School’s orchestra following a concert mentions “all the very complimentary things Mr. 斯托科夫斯基不得不说. Stokowski was 和 that he could not say enough about the performance, the phrasing, 和 Mr. Kortschak的领导. He was also much interested in Miss [faculty member 和 alumna Ludmila] Ulehla’s composition.”

Monthly concerts for children are inaugurated at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


  • Charlie Parker joins Earl Hines b和, alongside Dizzy Gillespie.
  • 12岁的洛林·马泽尔指挥纽约爱乐乐团.
  • 亚伦·科普兰的 牛仔竞技表演与哈莱姆出生的舞者Agnes de Mille一起首次亮相.
  • 施坦威 & Sons retools its factory to begin producing gliders for the U.S. 空军,其中一些在诺曼底登陆时使用过.



弗里德里希·肖尔(坐在钢琴前), having just retired from twenty years at the Metropolitan Opera 和 with a great European tradition behind him, 接管了声乐部和歌剧工作室.

Amendment to the charter authorizes the School to grant the bachelor of music degree.


  • Bela Bartók composes Concerto for Orchestra, a commission from the Serge Koussevitsky Foundation.
  • 22岁的艾萨克·斯特恩首次在卡内基音乐厅演出.
  • 44岁的杜克·艾灵顿首次在卡内基音乐厅演出.
  • 纽约市歌剧院成立,与普契尼首演 托斯卡 在市中心.
  • 俄克拉何马州! 罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的作品, Agnes de Mille编舞, 阿尔弗雷德·德雷克主演, 天蓝色的河中沙洲, 霍华德·达席尔瓦, 在St开. 詹姆斯剧院(2212场).
  • 第一首正宗的非裔古巴爵士曲调, 坦噶Mario bauz的作品,由macachito和非裔古巴人录制.
  • 伦纳德伯恩斯坦, 25, 他首次在纽约爱乐乐团担任指挥, 代替布鲁诺·沃尔特, 在卡内基音乐厅.


Mr. 伯特伦波登, 男男性行为的受托人, gives a large endowed gift to the School in memory of his wife, 他也曾是理事. 由玛丽·欧文·博登纪念基金会捐赠, it was the largest single gift the School had received up to that time.

December 1 — Pianist Harold Bauer plays Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto with the Senior Orchestra under the direction of 雨果Kortschak.


  • Ned Rorem (former MSM faculty) begins studies with Virgil Thompson.
  • 迈尔斯·戴维斯搬到了纽约.
  • New York jazz singer William Clarence “Billy” Eckstine forms big b和 playing new “bebop” jazz.
  • Sarah Vaughan, 20, records “I’ll Wait 和 Pray” with the Billy Eckstine big b和.
  • 钢琴家莱昂·弗莱舍, 16, 在纽约爱乐乐团首演, 由皮埃尔·蒙托在卡内基音乐厅指挥.
  • 国家黑人歌剧公司带来威尔第的歌剧 茶花女 到麦迪逊广场花园.
  • Hindemith的 交响乐的蜕变 由Artur Rodzinski指挥的首映式.



6月1日——珍妮特·D. Schenck, 学院的院长和创始人, confers the degree of Bachelor of Music at Manhattan School of Music for the first time. 她的助手是医生. 哈罗德·鲍尔(上图,在男男性接触者教学).

为帮助退伍老兵安排了特殊课程. 该学院是纽约市两所音乐学校之一, 大学之外, qualified by the government to accept returning veterans both under Public Law 346 (G.I. Bill of Rights) 和 Public Law 16 (Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Law).

Janet Schenck meets several times with NYC Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia. “His interest in the school had been significant,” writes Mrs. Schenck.


  • 在中央公园, 西格蒙德·隆伯格的音乐, 多萝西·菲尔兹歌词, 在世纪剧院开幕(504场).
  • New York Philharmonic joins in mourning President Roosevelt’s death by cancelling its concert, 4月13日.
  • 旋转木马 罗杰斯和汉默斯坦的作品 opens at the Majestic Theater (890 performances).




约翰·刘易斯开始攻读音乐学士学位, 学习理论, 并将于1953年获得音乐硕士学位. 同年, he joins Dizzy Gillespie’s big b和 和 premieres his “Toccata for Trumpet” 在卡内基音乐厅 in 1947. Lewis later works with Miles Davis’s nonet 和 founds the Modern Jazz Quartet.


  • Juilliard String Quartet is founded: Robert Mann (former MSM faculty) 和 Robert Koff violins; Raphael Hillyer, viola; Arthur Winograd, 大提琴.
  • 安妮,拿好你的枪 by Irving Berlin 和 Dorothy 和 Herbert Fields opens at the Imperial Theater with Ethel Merman, 包括《newbb电子》(T在这里 's No Business Like Show Business) (1),147表演).
  • Virgil Fox begins 19-year tenure as organist at Riverside Church.


Composer Ludmila Ulehla completes her Bachelor of Music degree 和 joins the faculty, 她在哪里教书到2007年.

Amendment to the charter authorizes the School to confer the master of music degree.



  • 街景 by Kurt Weill premieres (Adelphi Theater); Kurt Weill receives first TONY Award for best original score.
  • 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗和比莉·霍乐迪出现在卡内基音乐厅.
  • Brigadoon by Alan Jay Lerner 和 Frederick “Fritz” Loewe opens at the Ziegfeld Theater (581 performances).
  • 布鲁克林出生的莉娜·霍恩, 中音萨克斯手查理·帕克, 和艾拉·菲茨杰拉德在卡内基音乐厅首演.
  • 我们的母亲, music by Virgil Thomson with libretto by Gertrude Stein, premieres at Columbia University.



1948届毕业生(图片由Dr. Marilyn Teitler Tyler, BM ’48 / MM ’49 — top row, fourth from right)


  • 乔治·罗奇伯格授予乔治·格什温奖 C大调序曲.
  • 伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基的芭蕾舞 俄耳甫斯,由乔治·巴兰钦(George Balanchine)编舞,在City Center开幕.
  • 吻我吧,凯特 by Cole Porter opens at the New Century Theater (1,077 performances).



Nicholas Granitto joins the Academic 教师 w在这里 he teaches Italian 和 French until retiring in 1989.


  • 弗拉基米尔·霍洛维茨首演塞缪尔·巴伯的钢琴奏鸣曲,op. 26.
  • Miles Davis records “Birth of Cool”; musicians include pianist 约翰•路易斯 (MSM alumnus).
  • 钢琴家乔治·希林首演《newbb电子》.”
  • Robert Sirota (former MSM president) born in NYC, October 13.
  • Birdl和 opens with saxophonist Charlie Parker as headliner (on Broadway).

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